Our Inspection Report, January 2023 is now published on the Independent Schools Website and on our website.
There are two headline judgements are:
The Quality of the Pupils Academic and other Achievements is Excellent.
The Quality of the Pupils Personal Development is Excellent.
Please click the link: Inspection Report
We have collated some of phrases from the report, but please read the full report when you can.
The school provides a family environment where children build confidence and enjoy learning in order to achieve their potential.
Pupils have a heart for humankind, with a mature capacity to think beyond their own immediate lives. “People choose kindness here”.
The pupils are excellent mathematicians. All pupils are highly articulate and have strong communication skills.
Children in the EYFS quickly attain the expected learning goals.
Excellent staff-to-pupil ratios ensure every pupil has the opportunity to shine.
The children in the EYFS demonstrate a love of learning and thirst for knowledge which amplifies and matures into scholarship, especially in English and mathematics at the top of the school.
Core values of respect and kindness permeate the school.
Pupils appreciate the strong ‘I Can’ culture and sense of family underpins their desire to do their best at all times. Pupils show a mature appreciation of the importance of kindness.
Without exception the pupils all feel safe and appreciated within the family environment.
Teaching is tailored to individual needs and technology greatly enhances pupils learning.
Pupils are successful in achieving a place at the senior school of their choice and a number are awarded academic, sports, drama and music scholarships.
Pupils have excellent performance skills in singing and drama. Pupils of all ages sing beautifully. play musical instruments competently, and recite words with real talent, enjoyment and empathy.
A family ethos, where pupils display and discuss their inherent values of knowing what is expected and how to be kind and respectful, is a strong feature of the school community.
The pupils see the school as a harmonious and engaging community where everyone is respected and treated as unique individuals.
Pupils are aware of the schools high academic and social expectations of them, yet they felt comfortable in making mistakes in order to learn.