At Caversham Preparatory school we believe that our children need to learn about the lives of other children who are not as fortunate as themselves. The School runs a rolling programme to support children’s charities.
We actively encourage all pupils, teachers and parents, to get involved in the fundraising activities for both local and international causes. Each year the pupils increasingly step up to take the lead in organising events for the charities we support, including organising dress up days, delicious cake sales and playground games! Year on year, the infamous Talent Show proves very successful in raising funds for either Children In Need or Comic relief! The talent of the pupils in our school never ceases to amaze the judges!
Throughout all the fundraising events the pupils’ enhance their understanding of global and local issues and this contributes to them leaving the school on their way to being well-informed active citizens.
We have raised funds for:
We have a Christingle Service every year and sponsor the Children’s Society Charity. We go Carol Singing in Caversham Precinct (Children’s Society). We also take our carolers to Mander Court every year.
We donated £1000 to the local Guide Dogs for the Blind!