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Juniors Juniors
16 Peppard Road
Reading RG4 8JZ
Get directions T: 0118 947 8684
There is no place like
Caversham Prep
An inspirational, small family led prep school nurturing boys and girls from ages 3 to 11 in the heart of Reading
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Few places left for Academic Year 2020/2021!

The transition into Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) is an easy and exciting one. We call it ‘being in the Juniors’ and that means taking part in the Junior Play; Junior Camp; Junior Games and the annual Outward Bound trip to Skern Lodge in Devon. It also means an increased amount of sport, matches against other schools and taking part in ISA challenges like the London West Athletics.

Transition to the Juniors also means that the pace and commitment to our academic work increases. We begin to challenge ourselves, do more prep (homework) and develop our personal profiles.

School, parents and children begin to look towards Senior School entry and those all-important references where music, drama, sport, art and positions of responsibility make all the difference to the entry process when it comes.  

A substantial number of pupils have won academic scholarships to senior schools with high levels of entry; others have been awarded scholarships for art, music, performing arts and ICT. - ISI Inspection

Caversham Prep Juniors working in classroom

The KS2 curriculum widens and now includes a greater focus on Science, Current Affairs, British Values, increased sessions of Guided Reading and a full afternoon of sport on Queen Anne's Sports Fields. We develop skills in team games such as Tag Rugby, Football, Hockey, Netball, Cricket, Rounders and individual sports such as sprinting, hurdles, long jump and shot putt.

They are diligent and focused learners, able to work both independently and cooperatively as the situation requires. They take great pride in presenting their work well. - ISI Inspection

Computer Technology is an important part of the curriculum, particularly in KS2. All KS2 children are issued with a Surface Pro computer for their personal use both in school and at home. As well as enhancing the curriculum with personal research, writing our essays, making power point presentations and learning good keyboard skills, ICT is also taught as a discrete subject and the ICT curriculum Map is an exciting one with coding, animation, Raspberry Pi, Scratch being taught. A trip to Legoland enthused us to make and build animated Lego characters using Lego Wii. We also produce our own newspaper called 'The Caversham Prep Press' using Publisher and very sound ICT skills. Well done, Newspaper Club!

Every classroom has a well-used interactive whiteboard, laptop and tablet technology and digital cameras. These and other resources are widely used to enhance the curriculum. - ISI Inspection


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Academic Life